Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Unexpected Break

So... last Tuesday, I'm sitting at lunch and our principal comes up and tells us that we're not having school for the rest of the week due to illness.

Here's what went through my head in the span of like THIRTY SECONDS.

Second thought: "Oh crap, I'm gonna have to change all my lesson plans!!!"

Then, my principal explained that we WOULDN'T have to change our lesson plans, because we would be sending all their work home to complete with their parents.

I couldn't have asked for a better situation!!! I thank God everyday for His wonderful blessings, but this was an EXTRA BONUS!!!

So, I immediately called Jared and told him the good news. He was excited. Then, I get a phone call from his mom saying that she was so excited that I was coming, but just had to ask, "why did we get out of school?"  I explained that there were SO MANY kids out because of the flu, stomach virus, and strep throat, that they decided to just cancel school for a week so everyone could get better.

Now, I felt bad that so many kids were sick, but I prayed that they got better quickly, and I high tailed it outta town to visit my boyfriend and his family!!! :)

Jared and I were SO THANKFUL for this special extra time to spend together since we went THREE AND A HALF WEEKS without seeing each other!!!

Jared and I are SO GRATEFUL for technology to keep in touch when we're miles apart. He sent me this pic from the plane and I just think it's DARLING. He is such a cutie!!! :) It's my new background on my phone. 

Fun moment: we shopped together through FaceTime. haha. He was at the outlet malls and found a HUGE sale on Under Armor workout gear. He showed me the outfits and I told him yay or nay. It was such a fun experience! 

Thanks to Jared's family, I ALWAYS check the Manager's Special aisle at Kroger... check out what I snagged at my last trip... my FAVORITE popcorn!!! MMM!! I got TWO bags for less than one regular bag. :) 

Even though Jared left for Q-school the day before, I decided to head to the range and PRACTICE. My dad and I had enjoyed spending time together at the range. He was surprised how much better I hit than I used to! :) Thanks to Jared for being an AWESOME instructor!! ;)

Well, I'm off to work on lesson plans for my TWO DAY work week coming up! It's ALMOST Thanksgiving!!!


Nextrino Activated Charcoal Tea Tree Soap

I was sent some brand new soap from Nextrino to try and review! It is an activated charcoal tea tree soap that is all natural, vegan, and ...