THE FEED sent us a customized box to review! Here's some info about their system from their website:
Eating right for your workout starts with eating right all day long.
Based on our work with the best cyclists, runners, triathletes, and
mountaineers in the world, we’ve found that they all had 5 fundamental
tricks to eating right and fueling their bodies. This is The Feed
System. Follow it, and in just one week, you will feel more energized,
and get more out of every workout.
The Feed is for everyone.
You don’t have to be attempting to break a world record to see
results. We took the core fundamentals that fuel elite athletes and
simplified them. Whether you’re competing in The Tour de France,
training for an Ironman, or just want to supercharge your body for your
next ride, race, spin class, or crossfit workout, this is how you do it.
The secret is to make it simple and convenient.
It all comes down to this: When you feed better, you feel better. You
just need to hydrate more, snack smarter, and fuel your workout better.
The trick is being able to do this with an on-the-go lifestyle. That is
where the Feed System helps.
Our Review:
WOW! Very impressive! We were amazed at how well The Feed catered to OUR workout regiments and gave us proper nutrition to help our muscles recover! We were asked what we did for fitness and they sent us products that they thought we would enjoy! THEY TOTALLY SUCCEEDED! They also included a lot of hydration packets, which we enjoyed, because we usually just drink water. They even threw in a really cool CamelBak water bottle!!! Even more awesome is the fact that the box is delivered to your house every month! SO EASY!
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