Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Good Spread Review


Good Spread sent us some of their peanut butter to review! Here's some info from their website:


In the Fall of 2011, a 1971 Winnebago caught fire and burned to the ground.  What appeared to be broken dreams and a pile of ashes turned out to be destiny.
After 2,500 miles of hitchhiking and sharing the news about a miracle peanut butter substance known as Ready-to-use Therapeutic Food (RUTF), Alex Cox and Mark Slagle partnered with an organization called MANA who produced RUTF.  They created a company intent on reducing childhood malnutrition around the world.  Through the efforts of many good people, the peanut butter company Good Spread was born and began producing individual packets of all-natural peanut butter mixed with organic honey.  With profits from each sale, more RUTF could be generated and sent to children around the world.
When you buy a packet of Good Spread peanut butter, we give a packet of MANA RUTF.  Good Spread is for people who want to turn the tide of severe acute malnutrition and change more than just an economy with peanuts.  It's for people looking for a healthy snack with a healthy cause.  It's for people like you.
For more info read our FAQ


Before we get into the TASTE part of the review,  how amazing is the company for helping to feed malnourished children!!?!?!? We think that is TOTALLY awesome!

Now, for the taste part...

We truly believe that the company needs to change it's name to ...


It's not just good, it's GREAT! It has organic ingredients and nothing artificial. Plus, the sweetness of the honey sends your taste buds into shock with deliciousness! You gotta try some!!!

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Nextrino Activated Charcoal Tea Tree Soap

I was sent some brand new soap from Nextrino to try and review! It is an activated charcoal tea tree soap that is all natural, vegan, and ...