Saturday, March 10, 2012

Things I'm Lovin' Lately...

Here are just a few of the things I'm lovin' lately...

1. My GIVEAWAY prize from FitontheRocks

She couldn't have put together a better prize! I LOVE the flavor of Larabars that she included: Cashew Cookie and Carrot Cake! I LOVE the Blueberry Muffin Oatmeal. I got a little taste of Justin's Nut Butter in my Conscious Box a few months ago, and have been trying to find it at the store ever since, and what do ya know, she put it in the prize!! I love almonds and Cinnamon, so I'm sure I will love that flavor!!! anddd.... last but not least...I have been DYING to try the Clif Z Bar Iced Oatmeal Cookie Bars!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH LENA!!!

2. Healthy Choice Pumpkin Squash Ravioli
Last fall, I wondered what the big deal with healthy living bloggers and pumpkin was, so I finally decided to try it again (because I hated it when I was younger), and I FELL IN LOVE WITH PUMPKIN! So, when I saw this on a commercial with Sue Sylvestor from GLEE (that's a love too... any other GLEE FANS OUT THERE?!?!) I decided to try it out. Result: YUM! It's DELICIOUS!!!! P.S. The Iced Oatmeal Cookie bars taste JUST like the real thing! But, this is a healthy alternative! WIN!

3. Justin's Maple Almond Butter
This deserved a spotlight all by itself. Have you ever tried this stuff?!?! It's SO STINKIN' GOOD!!! I have an important question: Does anybody else TEAR open the package and lick it clean?!? Or am I the only one!?!? ;) I spread this over a tortilla because it doesn't need anything else to make it finger lickin' good!

4. MONKEY BRAINS Oatmeal and Granola Bars
I'll post a full review soon! Everything I've eaten so far is amazingly delicious!!!

5. I'm nominated on Fitness Magazine's Blog Awards! If you like my blog, I would really appreciate your vote!
Click here to vote for me!

P.S. I FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO GET COMMENTLUV! Now, you can leave a comment and it will link back to your latest blog post! YAY!

What are YOU lovin' lately? Please share ideas with me!

Nextrino Activated Charcoal Tea Tree Soap

I was sent some brand new soap from Nextrino to try and review! It is an activated charcoal tea tree soap that is all natural, vegan, and ...