Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Life Update Through Pictures!

It's been a while since we've given an update on what's been going on in our world. So, today we are sharing just a bunch of random pictures of what's been going on with us over the last couple months.
Our friends, Zack and Katie, stayed with us for a few days in February to practice in warm weather. Zack and Jared both played in a tournament on a weekend so we all coordinated our outfits to match each other. It was a fun time!
Jared did a little experimenting in the kitchen and made two different types of lasagna. His was with whole wheat noodles and mine was with thinly sliced eggplant as the lasagna layers. Both were tasty!
Jared has officially decided that his "Sunday Outfit" is going to be patriotic from now on. Bring on the red, white, and blue!   

We were VERY fortunate to view a "Pre-Screening" of two new movies! Faith of our Fathers and War Room. They were both great! We loved that they were Christian based films and shared God's love while having an entertaining story line. Please go see them when they release! Faith of our Fathers comes out on July 1st and War Room comes out on August 28th! 

We went on Sunday to watch THE PLAYERS tournament! It was super fun! We walked about 14 miles that day, according to Jared's app. They allowed snacks to be brought, so we enjoyed Nature's Bakery Fig Bars to keep us held over until meal times.

We created our own Cheesecake for a contest with Golden Girl Granola. We will share soon, promise!

We have been soaking up as much time as we can together, before Jared spends most of the summer in Canada. We love quality time!

It's pool time! No explanation necessary.

Jared came to visit me at work. The little boy I nanny for LOVES him. Every day he asks me to call Jared and beg him to come over and play with us!


We packed up Jared's suitcase and golf bag for the beginning of PGA Tour Canada! It is such a different feeling for both of us this year. We did a LOT of growing last year on our Web.com Rookie Year. This time around, we both have SO MUCH PEACE knowing that God is taking care of both of us. There are less expectations on both ends and we are working hard to make this the best season yet. We are so grateful that God allowed us to grow and work on our relationship with HIM, so that in turn, we will have a closer marriage relationship! GOD IS SO GOOD! Please keep us in your prayers!

Nextrino Activated Charcoal Tea Tree Soap

I was sent some brand new soap from Nextrino to try and review! It is an activated charcoal tea tree soap that is all natural, vegan, and ...